Sparks an interest in science and technology

Class Details

Calling all aspiring innovators! Dive into programming logic with Scratch and Minecraft. You’ll use code blocks and characters to gain a foundation in computational thinking, problem solving, and creating animated stories and games.


In this course, you will:

Design and animate sprites

Experiment and explore to build creativity and confidence

Create variables

Use conditional if-else statements

Write Iterative program

Program using arithmetic operators

Making your characters, stories, games and animations


初一级班课程适合零基础的孩子。学生将学习scratch 和minecraft 编程。使用可视化编程语言,无需复杂的代码。孩子们将通过拖放积木式编程,学习编程概念和逻辑思维,培养问题解决能力。他们将循序渐进地掌握编程的核心原则。  初一级班课程使用专为儿童设计的编程平台,让孩子们可以轻松地创建交互式故事、动画和游戏。 孩子们将探索无限创造力,让他们的想象力成为现实。让他们的创意在屏幕上活跃起来!


Scratch Basics

Add characters and backgrounds to make a story.  Apply movements and rotations to make animations. Create fun programs by shrinking, growing, hiding and showing sprites.


Students will explore and build a variety of fun and educational projects in Minecraft. They will also learn to create redstone circuits. 

Angelina's Project

Benjamin's Project

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